
Debut album "𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐀" out March 14 & available to pre-order/pre-save
Blasé is a French-American pop artist. Composer, arranger, producer, singer, lyricist, he started music at nine years old with the saxophone, before writing his first beats on GarageBand on his parents' computer.
Since his childhood and teenage years in New York, he kept experimenting, mixing 70s rock, electronic music, disco and hip-hop to create a sound that would ultimately take him to Paris with his first band Haute (with Anna Majidson) and a first hit "Shut Me Down" whose Colors live session is to this day one of the most viewed on the platform.
Building from this first success, Blasé tours abroad, produces and composes for others (Metronomy, DJ Pone, Agoria, Lala &ce…) and fine-tune what will eventually become his signature sound.
In 2023, the UFO Blasé finally goes solo for the first time with his debut EP "Pourquoi Blasé?" ("Why Blasé?"), a unique blend of Chic, the Strokes and Manu Chao.